Cultural Resources Management and Planning
Perennial’s cultural resources management team includes Principal Investigators who meet the Secretary of Interior Standards, Project Archeologists, as well as field and technical staff with regional and local archeological expertise to comply with federal and state standards.
Our team specializes in providing expert technical assistance to ensure compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), as well as state and local Antiquities codes and guidelines in support of large and small-scale projects. Our capabilities and services include:
Phase I Inventory Surveys
Phase II NRHP Testing Investigations
Phase III Data Recovery and Mitigation, Historic Structure Surveys and viewshed analysis.
- Pedestrian surface inspection
- Shovel testing
- Backhoe trenching and auger testing
- Site identification and recording, and
- Prehistoric and historic artifact analysis and processing
- Regulatory coordination and permitting under the State and Local Antiquities codes
- Expert and timely preparation of technical reports to state and federal standards
- Tribal Outreach and Coordination
- Due Diligence
- Specialty Services:
- Post-construction archeological monitoring
- Development of avoidance and unanticipated discovery plans
- Geomorphological studies
- Burial exhumation and faunal analysis
- Marine archeological studies
- Metal detector surveys and resistivity studies
- Curation